28 April - 3 May, 2007
San Jose, California, USA
Mary Beth Rosson
Conference Chair
David Gilmore
Technical Program Chair
Special Note to Presenters & Attendees
Presenters, please consider posting your slides to SlideShare, with the tag chi07. Attendees, you can see if your favorite presentations are on this link, as well.
Message from Mary Beth & David
Last year CHI 2006 gathered our many communities and identities under a single umbrella. At CHI 2007 we invite you to take the next step, to reach beyond; beyond our comfortable methods and praxis; beyond our exciting and innovative technology; beyond our established scientific frameworks and reputations; beyond the common ground of professional and national cultures; and beyond our far-flung social networks.
Join us as we reflect on our amazing accomplishments over the past 25 years while we look forward to those we haven't yet tried to imagine. Join us as we redirect our everyday concerns toward the problems we didn't know would be relevant. Join us as we break down our habitual mindsets to welcome the concepts and ideas of colleagues we never knew we had.
Join Us in Reaching Beyond!