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Submit Camera Ready Copy

SIGCHI and ACM have contracted with Sheridan Press to prepare the conference proceedings. All accepted authors should receive an email from Sheridan directly detailing the process and providing the URL to upload the camera-ready copy to. Sheridan will also provide the correct wording for the Copyright announcement at the foot of your first page and the link to obtain the copyright form and the fax number to which you should return the signed form. Most importantly, Sheridan will provide each author with a unique program ID number that ensures everything goes in the right place in the Proceedings!

Papers and Notes authors are required to submit their camera-ready copy, their original source file and the copyright form by 31 January 2007; everyone else must submit their camera-ready copy and source file by 12 February 2007. If you are first author on an accepted submission and do not receive an email from Sheridan by 27 January 2007 (for Papers or Notes) or 08 February 2007 (for all others), contact the chair for your submission category.

NOTE 1: Papers that don't meet these guidelines may be returned to the author for correction.

NOTE 2: After reading these instructions, if you have any questions, please contact the Conference Chair's Administrator, Helena Mentis, at,

Preparing Your Submission

To prepare for the final submission, please check a few details:

  • The correctly spelled names, email addresses, affiliations, and location (city, state, and country) of all authors
    NOTE: Please use each author's preferred publication name. We've had a rash of submissions this year (2007) that did not - examples:
    • "Ed Cutrell" and "Edward Cutrell"
    • "Wendy Kellogg" and "Wendy A. Kellogg"
    • "Shen Zhao" and "Shendong Zhao"
    • "Nicolas Duchenaut" and "Nicholas Duchenaut"
    Make everyone's life easier, and check with all your co-authors before submitting final copy.
  • The final title of the paper
  • Clean up bad column or page breaks, for example:
    • Widows - heading lines at the bottom of a page/column
    • Orphans - last line of a paragraph at the top of a page/column
  • Make sure you don't have an extra blank page at the end of your submission.
  • Check that all captions are on the same page and column as their associated figure/table and are directly below the relevant figure or table.
  • Check to ensure that the fonts you have used are embedded in your pdf file.
  • If you are submitting a video, check to ensure it is in an acceptable format (see CHI 2006 Guide to Video Submissionsexternal link).
  • Make sure that you are within the page limit for your submission type
    • Papers - 10 pages
    • Notes - 4 pages
  • Be sure to include the names and affiliations of all authors and add back in anything else you removed when anonymizing the paper.
  • Add a set of keywords to your source file, directly after the abstract, to assist people searching for papers like yours on the ACM DL. We suggest 2-5 keywords or short (2-3 word) phrases.
  • The title of your submission must be Title Case - Examples: "On Using GOMS in Non-Traditional Settings" or "Evaluating the eXceed X Server"
  • We recommend for quality reproduction of rules in your graphs, tables or charts, that the rules are at least a 0.5 pt. and black.
  • We recommend images be at least 300 or 600 dpi for quality reproduction.
  • If a figure or image is assembled from multiple images, the images must be embedded, layers flattened or grouped together properly in the file, not lined.
  • Color figures will be printed in grayscale in the printed proceedings, but will be in color in the electronic proceedings and the ACM DL. Make sure your color figures print legibly in grayscale and black and white.
  • For LaTeX submissions:
    • Modify your file to include the current copyright information.
    • Please use Type 1 fonts; for help see: link.
    • As your source file, please include all text, including references from the .bbl file, into one complete .tex document. You do not need to include your figures in this file or as separate files.


Papers & Notes
Final Submission to PCS
   19 Jan (required)
Receive Email from Sheridan
   27 Jan
All Documents to Sheridan
   31 Jan

Experience Reports,
Interactive Session,
Student Research/Design Competition,
Doctoral Consortium,
& SIGs

Final Submission to PCS
   12 Feb (optional)
Receive Email from Sheridan
   08 Feb
All Documents to Sheridan
   12 Feb